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🫰 Hand With Index Finger And Thumb Crossed Copy Paste 🫰🫰🏻🫰🏼🫰🏽🫰🏾🫰🏿

  • 🫰
  • 🫰🏻
  • 🫰🏼
  • 🫰🏽
  • 🫰🏾
  • 🫰🏿

The 🫰 hand with index finger and thumb crossed emoji is a commonly used emoji that represents crossed fingers or good luck. It is often used to convey a sense of hope, luck, or good fortune, and can be used to express a range of emotions, from nervousness and uncertainty to optimism and positivity.

Examples of usage for the 🫰 hand with index finger and thumb crossed emoji include:

  1. "I'm crossing my fingers for good luck on my exam. 🫰"
  2. "I'm hoping for the best outcome. 🫰"
  3. "I'm feeling a bit nervous, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed. 🫰"
  4. "I'm optimistic that things will work out in the end. 🫰"
  5. "I'm sending good vibes and positive energy your way. 🫰"

The 🫰 hand with index finger and thumb crossed emoji can be found by searching for keywords such as "hand with index finger and thumb crossed emoji," "crossed fingers emoji," "good luck emoji," or "hope emoji." It is often used in text messages, social media posts, and online chats to add a bit of emotion or personality to written communication.

Overall, the 🫰 hand with index finger and thumb crossed emoji is a widely-used emoji that can be used to convey a range of emotions, from nervousness and uncertainty to optimism and positivity. Whether you're crossing your fingers for good luck or just want to show your hope and optimism, this emoji is a great way to express your feelings and add some personality to your communication.

🫰 Hand With Index Finger And Thumb Crossed Copy Paste 🫰🫰🏻🫰🏼🫰🏽🫰🏾🫰🏿
People & Body