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👐 Open Hands Emoji Copy Paste 👐👐🏻👐🏼👐🏽👐🏾👐🏿

  • 👐
  • 👐🏻
  • 👐🏼
  • 👐🏽
  • 👐🏾
  • 👐🏿

The 👐 emoji, also known as the "open hands" emoji, is a popular emoji used in messaging and social media. It is often used to represent openness, acceptance, and willingness to communicate.

Here are three examples of how the 👐 emoji is used:

  1. The 👐 emoji is often used to show that someone is open to hearing new ideas or suggestions.
  2. The 👐 emoji can also be used to show that someone is ready to listen and engage in a productive conversation or debate.
  3. The 👐 emoji is sometimes used to show that someone is willing to work together or collaborate on a project.

There are several similar emojis that convey similar meanings, including the 🤝 "handshake" emoji, which is used to show agreement or a formal agreement, and the 🤞 "crossed fingers" emoji, which is used to show hope or good luck.

Here's an example usage of the 👐 emoji:

Person 1: "I have a few ideas for how we can improve this project. Do you want to hear them?"

Person 2: "👐 Definitely! I'm always open to hearing new ideas."

👐 Open Hands Emoji Copy Paste 👐👐🏻👐🏼👐🏽👐🏾👐🏿

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