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🙅 Person Gesturing No Emoji Copy Paste 🙅🙅🏻🙅🏼🙅🏽🙅🏾🙅🏿

  • 🙅
  • 🙅🏻
  • 🙅🏼
  • 🙅🏽
  • 🙅🏾
  • 🙅🏿

The 🙅 person gesturing NO emoji is a popular emoji used to represent a person making a negative gesture, usually with their hand or finger. It is often used in messaging or social media to indicate disagreement, refusal, or disapproval.

Here are five examples of how you can use the 🙅 person gesturing NO emoji:

  1. To indicate disagreement or refusal: "I'm sorry, but I can't do that. 🙅"
  2. To show disapproval or disappointment: "That's not the behavior I expect from you. 🙅"
  3. To express frustration or annoyance: "I can't believe you did that again. 🙅"
  4. To make a joke or sarcastic comment: "Oh, I'm sure that will go over well. 🙅"
  5. To indicate that something is not allowed or permitted: "No smoking allowed in this area. 🙅"

Some search phrases you can use to find the 🙅 person gesturing NO emoji include "no emoji," "disagree emoji," and "refusal emoji." You can also use the emoji itself by searching for "🙅" on your device or in a search engine.

🙅 Person Gesturing No Emoji Copy Paste 🙅🙅🏻🙅🏼🙅🏽🙅🏾🙅🏿
People & Body